1.2 acres: Apache
- Property type: Land
- City: Apache County
- Lot size: 52272 ft²
Lot size: 1.2 acres
County: Apache
Access: dirt
Elevation: 5500 feet
Annual taxes: $20
Zoning: Agricultural General
Utilities: none in place, power nearby
Map link: https://goo.gl/maps/yJmfdnBBZzEpuM4S6
coordinate: center 35.214179, -109.432472
35.213869, -109.432819
35.213879, -109.432059
35.214472, -109.432061
35.214468, -109.432882
35.213956, -109.432875
35.213899, -109.432864
center 35.214179, -109.432472
Pricing: We will match any down payment over the minimum up to $1,000
$75 down, $75 a month for 79 months
$100 down, $100 a month for 54 months
$125 down, $125 a month for 39 months
Discounted all cash price: $3,500
- ID: 3681
- Published: October 29, 2021
- Last Update: October 13, 2022
- Views: 1051